Getting Started


  • Kubernetes cluster 1.20-1.24
    • StorageClass configured as a default
    • IngressClass configured as a default
  • (Optional for backups/restores) Velero v1.8.0-1.9.0 installed and configured


1. Prepare a docker-compose file for an application you want to provide as SaaS

If you install KuberLogic for testing and studying you can skip this step (sample app is also included).

See more about docker-compose.yml limitations.

2. Configure Ingress controller

Read more →

3. (Optional) Configure and enable Velero for backup/restore integration

Read more →

4. Get KuberLogic CLI

wget$(uname -m)_$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') -O kuberlogic
sudo chmod +x kuberlogic

5. Install KuberLogic

Run the following command to install KuberLogic into your Kubernetes cluster

./kuberlogic install

CLI will create a config file at ~/.config/kuberlogic/config.yaml when the installation process is finished. Usually you do not have to modify this file manually, it is updated after each KuberLogic CLI installation/configuration run.

The command above can also be used to modify KuberLogic configuration parameters when it is already installed.

6. Configure DNS

Add DNS record for KuberLogic API endpoint, so it is pointing to KuberLogic Ingress IP. Alternatively, if you are evaluating KuberLogic, you may want to use /etc/hosts file to provide the access locally.